



Best North Carolina\Duke Game in Chapel Hill?

You know what week it is… It’s North Carolina and Duke on Wednesday night in Chapel Hill. Growing up this is one of the first sports rivalries I can remember really following. This game has had it all over the years. Hall of fame coaches, All-America players, top 10 teams and yea they are just 8 miles apart.

Rather than me reviewing the best games, let me send you to the ACC’s Facebook page. They are running a poll you can click here – filled with highlights where you can vote on the best UNC\Duke games held in Chapel Hill.   By the way this year they are again both in the top 10, in the thick of the ACC Title chase, and in position with a strong finish for a 1 or 2 seed in the NCAA tournament. It’s the typical stuff on the line in a UNC\Duke basketball game.


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